Welcome to the IPPSR State Politics App

  • This app lets you manipulate, explore, and download the Correlates of State Policy dataset assembled by Matt Grossmann and Marty Jordan at the Institute for Public Policy and Social Research at Michigan State University. It uses version 2.6 of the data.
  • The CSPP Dataset is comprised of state-years and combines over 3,000 variables from hundreds sources. Individual variable coverage varies, but the dataset includes information regarding all 50 states (+ DC) between 1900-2020.
  • This app has the following main functionalities:
    1. The Subset & Download the CSPP Data tab dynamically generates downloadable portions of the CSPP data based on several user inputs. It also generates a codebook with descriptions and citations (bib, plain text) for each of the matched variables.
    2. The Visualize Panel tab generates colorful maps, including dynamic GIFs, of any variable from the CSPP data along with a figure that depicts missingness and variations in the values of any of the panel variables. You can choose the years and states to visualize.
    3. The State Comparison tab generates an interactive line plot that includes any combination of states across any time period for several key variables in the CSPP data.
    4. The Variable Information tab provides descriptive statistics and information regarding any variable in the CSPP Dataset.
    5. The Correlation Matrix tab generates a correlation matrix for any set of numeric CSPP variables across any time period within any states.
    6. The Visualize Network tab generates a network visualization of any variable from the State Networks Database. You can choose the states to visualize.

Related To*:
Additional Options:
Add Core Academic Dataset?
Add Core Policy Dataset?
*Use 'Related To' to search a variable's name, short/long descriptions from the codebook, and its citation for non-exact matches of a search term. For example, searching 'tax' will return variables with words like 'taxes' and 'taxable' in any of those columns.

Note: Email correlatesofstatepolicyproject@gmail.com with issues or suggestions.

Your search returned:

  • All inputs update the data in real-time.
  • Use the Variable Matches tab to see a list of each of the matched variables, along with a short description. The list of variable matches updates dynamically.
  • Use the Download Citations & Codebook tab to download the cites/codebook associated with the variables that result from your search.

  • Download a CSV with the variables from your search; their citations in both BibTeX and plain text; and information regarding their coding with the button below.
  • Please verify the citations are correct, as some errors may exist. Not all citations are available.
  • If you use this part of the app for academic work, in addition to individual sources, please cite:
    • Jordan, Marty P. and Matt Grossmann. 2020. The Correlates of State Policy Project v.2.2. East Lansing, MI: Institute for Public Policy and Social Research (IPPSR).
    • Caleb Lucas and Joshua McCrain (2020). cspp: A Package for The Correlates of State Policy Project Data. R package version 0.1.0.
  • Link to Full Codebook
Include Variable Name in Title?
Reverse Fill Color?

  • All inputs update the figure in real-time. Download it with the button below.
  • The selected variable is averaged across time within states if multiple years are provided.
  • You can create a dynamic (GIF) map in the 'Create Dynamic Map' tab above.

  • Select any CSPP variable, any combination of states/years (conditional on data availability), and create a GIF that visualizes changes over time.
  • Click RENDER MAP GIF to create the map using the current set of inputs you selected. You must wait until it renders before submitting another request, including to other areas of the app.
  • Generating the GIF can take some time depending on your inputs (about 15-30 seconds). Be patient if you see the app is still processing.
  • Save the GIF by right-clicking it and choosing to save the image.
  • You can create a static (non-GIF) map in the 'Create Static Map' tab above.

  • All inputs update the figure in real-time. Download it with the button below.